In friction stir welding (FSW) near the tool Thermo-mechanical condition of the piece at work the aim of the present work is to simulate Using general purpose software for this A fully coupled three-dimensional solid mechanical model has been created. ABAQUS/Arbitrary Lagrange- Eulerian (ALE) formulation re-meshing and large Enables transparency with distortions. Of FSW One of the least understood aspects of in friction stir welding (FSW) near the tool. For different welding speeds, forces and equipment Temperatures are recorded accurately in standard welding are done. Conditions. Numerical the simulations implemented are arbitrary Based on the Lograngian Eulerian (ALE) formula have the key aspect of the numerical approach is the palette and contact and friction between the tool accurate calculations of surface area. Accurate calculation of surface area. PROMETHEE is a priority for assessment enrichment Ranking system and its interactive help Descriptive complementary geometric analysis known as Promethee methods. In this The PROMETHEE method is the best solution from the analysis the shorter the distance and the longer the negative-ideal solution Determines the solution with the distance, but of these distances the comparison was not considered significant. Alternative: Conductivity, Thermal capacity, Density, Effusively, Emissivity. Evaluation Preference: Work piece, FSW Tool, Backing plate, strength, and conductivity. As a result FSW tool is very low As a result passive tool is very low got first rank for strength. The value of the dataset for Friction stir welding in PROMETHEE method shows that it results in strength is and top ranking.