According to previous work in the coaching field, job satisfaction has been found to be an important work related variable, critical to retention and turnover of female coaches [Chelladurai, P., and E. Ogasawara. (2003). “Satisfaction and Commitment of American and Japanese Collegiate Coaches.” Journal of Sport Management 17, 62–73; Sagas, M., and F.B. Ashley. (2001). “Gender Differences in the Intent to Leave Coaching: Testing the Role of Personal, External, and Work-Related Variables.” International Journal of Sport Management 2(4), 297–313]. The current study provides a better understanding of the work environment of coaches of girls’ sports by combining satisfaction and comparisons used in this process. Male and female coaches (n=202) employed full-time at Texas public high schools completed a questionnaire containing the Job Descriptive Index [Smith, P.C., L.M. Kendall, and C.C. Hulin. (1969). The Measurement of Satisfaction in Work and Retirement. New York: Rand McNally.], the Job In General (Ironson et al., 1997), a referent comparison instrument, and demographic information. The findings indicated significant satisfaction differences based on gender and comparison other. Copyright Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2005job satisfaction, coaching, referent comparisons, interscholastic,