Effective recruitment of talent remains extremely critical. As part of Personnel Psychology's 75-year anniversary celebration, we review the state of recruitment research, emphasizing the journal's extensive contributions to this literature. Specifically, we review contributions and opportunities in terms of the recruitment outcomes that have been studied, theoretical progress that has occurred, and methodologies that have been employed to inform scholarship and practice. Throughout, we particularly highlight trends that have occurred over the years in the pages of Personnel Psychology. We conclude with several implications for practice and directions for ongoing recruitment research.
INTRODUCTIONRecent years have seen unprecedented transformations in labor market dynamics. Between the changing values and expectations of those in the labor market (Ellis, 2022), social media use (e.g., Carpentier et al., 2019), and flexible work arrangements in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., Samuel, 2021), among other notable changes, these seismic shifts are both real and enduring in present times. Hence, the importance of generating scientific knowledge to guide effective recruitment of talent is more critical than ever.In reference to this special issue's celebration of Personnel Psychology's 75-year legacy of contributions to scientific management, one needs to look only at its recent pages to unearth many pressing challenges accenting the need to effectively recruit talent. For example, the 2020 behavioral ethics special issue portends a need for firms to portray their ethical footprint to job seekers. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) space, Ng et al.