Knowledge about long-term variation of the geomagnetic dipole field remains in its nascent stage because of the paucity of reliable experimental data over geological periods. Here, we present the first robust experimental data from the largest Cretaceous flood basalt province on Earth, the ~65-66 Ma Deccan basalt within a thick (1250 m) unbiased stratigraphic section down to the basement, recovered from a drill hole of the Koyna Deep Scientific Drilling Project in the Western Ghats, India. Critical analysis of the result along with similar results of the Cretaceous age find that (i) the dipole moment during the end Cretaceous Deccan eruption is the lowest in whole of Cretaceous (ii) dipole moment at the onset/termination of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron is apparently lower relative to that in midsuperchron, however, such differences cannot be deciphered in shorter polarities probably because of insufficient time to develop recognizable variations (iii) inverse relation between dipole moment and reversal rate is lacking and (iv) a cause and effect relation between core-mantle boundary heat flux and low dipole moment that appears to be the principle governing factor in forming the Large Igneous Provinces on the surface of earth. Long-term variability of Earth's early Dipole magnetic field (palaeointensity; PI) is a complex internally driven phenomenon. Numerical simulations apart, geological materials are the only source for direct experimental estimates. However, large failure rate, prolonged duration of experiments and increased complexities in deciphering magnetic field at early periods have become a serious hindrance for this experimental approach; therefore, a vast number of studies have focused over the period of one million year, where the determinations are relatively more straight forward. Yet, in recent years, there have been compilations of PI data over the geological period with an objective to develop a robust global database (for example, PINT15 database: http:// /pint/). The Mesozoic period has drawn a special attention with the proposal of a period of relatively low field, one-third of the Cenozoic value, known as the Mesozoic Dipole Low (MDL) 1. Whereas some investigations argue that the MDL proposal is not tenable 2-6 , the hypothesis has gained wider support 7-9 although many disagreements exist on the duration of the low field. The MDL was suggested to confine to the Jurassic Quiet Zone (~145-165 Ma) 10 , and some others extend it into early Cretaceous 11-13 .The low field strength is also variably described with respect to the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS); some argue that the MDL extended into the CNS 14,15 , some others, mostly from China, report a low field at the onset of CNS 16-18 and some works find it at the end of the CNS 19-22. Likewise, the low fields are correlated with high reversal frequency 9,23-26 , but there are arguments decoupling the two 21,27,28. The fluctuation in geomagnetic field strength is intricately linked to core-mantle boundary (CMB) heat flo...