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Documents inThe Willingness to Sell Personal Data * Volker Benndorf † Hans-Theo Normann ‡
April 2014Abstract We elicit the willingness to sell personal data (contact information, Facebook details, preferences) in laboratory experiments, using a BDM and take-it-or-leave-it offers.Our experiments are novel in that (i) the experiments are incentivized, (ii) the focus on privacy issues is salient, and (iii) the use of the data-marketing purposes-is transparent and unambiguous. We find that only a minority of about 10% to 20%of the participants are unwilling to sell personal data, a share which is roughly constant across both the type of personal data and elicitation method. Subjects willing to sell request about e 15 for their contact details and e 19 for Facebook details.JEL Classification numbers: C90, C91, C81