The influence of vibronic coupling on the outer valence ionic states of -dichloroethene has been investigated by recording photoelectron spectra over the excitation range 19-90 eV using plane polarized synchrotron radiation, for two polarization orientations. The photoelectron anisotropy parameters and electronic state branching ratios derived from these spectra have been compared to theoretical predictions obtained with the continuum multiple scattering approach. This comparison shows that the photoionization dynamics of theB, A, A, and B states, all of which are formed through the ejection of an electron from a nominally chlorine lone-pair orbital, exhibit distinct evidence of the Cooper minimum associated with the halogen atom. While retaining a high degree of atomic character, these orbital ionizations nevertheless display clear distinctions. Simulations, assuming the validity of the Born-Oppenheimer and the Franck-Condon approximations, of the B, B, and B state photoelectron bands have allowed some of the vibrational structure observed in the experimental spectra to be assigned. The simulations provide a very satisfactory interpretation for the B state band but appear less successful for the B and B states, with irregularities appearing in both. The A and A state photoelectron bands exhibit very diffuse and erratic profiles that cannot be reproduced at this level. Photoelectron anisotropy parameters, β, have been evaluated as a function of binding energy across the studied photon energy range. There is a clear step change in the β values of the B band at the onset of the perturbed peak intensities, with β evidently adopting the value of the A band β. The B band β values also display an unexpected vibrational level dependence, contradicting Franck-Condon expectations. These various behaviors are inferred to be a consequence of vibronic coupling in this system.