A YAP:Ce pow der was used as a scintillator for the de tec tion of ther mal neu trons. For neutrons en ergy con ver sion, en riched LiF was used. The de pend ence of the con cen tra tion of the scintillator: LiF ra tio on neu tron de tec tion ef fi ciency was stud ied as well as the in flu ence of ar eal den sity of lay ers and dif fer ent YAP:Ce pow der grains. The preamplifier pulse shape study of YAP:Ce was also pro vided in re sponse to the de pend ence of shape of the am pli tude spec trum on shap ing the time set ting. It was shown that based on the pulse shape from YAP:Ce, the neu tron and gamma pulses can be clearly dis tin guished. The re sults were re lated to the ref er ence mix ture of ZnS:Ag/LiF which is com monly used in com bi na tion with thermal neu tron de tec tors.