“…The accuracy of the Vesic (1975) solution in predicting the ultimate bearing capacity of a footing resting on an artificially cemented upper layer, overlying a weakly bonded residual soil with a high void ratio, is unknown. The stress-strain-strength behavior of artificially cemented soils has been studied in the past by several investigators (e.g., Clough et al, 1981;Coop & Atkinson, 1993;Huang & Airey, 1998;Consoli et al, 2000Consoli et al, , 2006Consoli et al, , 2008Consoli et al, , 2009Consoli et al, , 2010Consoli et al, , 2011Consoli et al, , 2012Consoli et al, , 2013Consoli et al, , 2014Consoli et al, , 2015Consoli et al, , 2016Consoli et al, , 2017Consoli et al, , 2018Consoli et al, , 2019Consoli et al, , 2020aDalla Rosa et al, 2008). Foppa et al (2020) and Caballero (2019) observed, in small scale load tests of footings resting on a soil-cement reinforced layer over a loose sand, two distinct types of failure: in the first, the reinforcement layer is punched through the soil, without showing any fissuring, up to a settlement corresponding to the natural soil bearing capacity.…”