Drying behavior of acetate filament in dry spinning is investigated, including the elongational deformation of polymer solution thread in the early stage of drying. Variations of diameter, velocity, temperature, solvent concentration profile in the thread and tension distribution along the threadline in the spinning column, are calculated for spinning conditions encountered commercially by means of the equations of simultaneous momentum, heat and mass transfer between the thread and hot air flow in the spinning column. Concentration and temperature dependencies of the mutual diffusion coefficient from desorption experiment are correlated by the free volume theory. The elongational viscosity is estimated from the shear viscosity data using Krevelen theory. Residual acetone concentration in the thread and tension at the exit of the spinning column are compared between the calculated results and the experimental data by a commercial apparatus; satisfactory agreement is found. Rapid decreases 1335 ORDER
SANOof temperature and surface concentration of the dope thread after extrusion confine the elongational deformation within several centimeters below the spinnerette. Initial elongational rate and die swell ratio are related to the winding velocity and tension at the exit of the spinning column. The tension is determined mainly by initial viscous force and air drag.