-Fractoluminescence experiments are performed on two kinds of silicate glasses. All the light spectra collected during dynamic fracture reveal a black body radiator behaviour, which is interpreted as a crack velocity-dependent temperature rise close to the crack tip. Crack velocities are estimated to be of the order of 1300 m.s −1 and fracture process zones are shown to extend over a few nanometers.Although glass is considered as the archetype of brittle elastic materials, it was shown in various situations that, during fracture, a large part of the stored elastic energy is dissipated in permanent deformation of the material. It was argued to be mostly dissipated in the formation of nanocracks in ultraslow stress corrosion cracking conditions [1,2]. In vacuum, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations [3] of dynamic fracture predict that energy dissipation results both from plastic deformation and from bond breaking ahead of the crack tip, the two phenomena acting at the scale of a few nanometers. The latter predictions are in agreement with experiments due to S. Wiederhorn [4], who performed accurate measurements of the energies of fracture in an inert environment for different glass compositions, and showed that they are approximately ten times higher than the typical surface energy values estimated by Griffith [5]. However, in order to understand fully the nature of the dissipation processes, it is highly desirable to measure the size of the Process Zone (PZ) where they take place for a given crack velocity. Direct measurements being hardly imaginable because of the small dimensions involved, and because crack velocities are larger than a few hundreds of meters per second, one has to resort to indirect characterizations. The scope of the present work is to show how fractoluminescence can be used for that purpose.During rapid fracture, the emission of neutral particules, ions, electrons and photons has indeed been observed in a wide variety of materials [6][7][8]. Fractoemission has been used to probe both fracture mechanisms and fracture surface chemistry [9]. Since an early paper by Wick et al. [10], a growing interest has fostered in oxide glass fractoluminescence, and the first wavelengths spectra were obtained in the eighties [11]. These spectra usually exhibit both an energy continuum and peaks corresponding to discrete energy values. Chapman and Walton [12] performed dynamic fracture experiments on different glasses, and showed that the continuum corresponds to a black body radiator spectrum. Using a model developped by Weichert and Schonert [13], they compared the numerical solutions obtained by these authors to their own observations in order to evaluate the size of the heated propagating zone ahead of the crack tip, and found it to be of the order of a few nanometers. More recently, Gonzalez and coworkers [14] showed that no photons were detected for crack velocities smaller than 10 −2 m.s −1 in soda-lime silica.The central point of this letter is to provide quantitative evidence for the above sce...