Aluminum foams (cf. Fig. 1) constitute a group of innovative materials with interesting properties such as high specific strength, [1] acoustic and structural damping, [2] controlled energy absorption, [3] and thermal insulation. [4] Their big potential lies within multifunctional applications where combinations of their properties yield symbiotic advantages. Among others, the effective thermal conductivity is of particular interest for applications in heat sinks, [5] heat exchangers, [6,7] or thermal insulation. [4] In the analysis of the thermal conductivity we should first consider that the heat transfer is brought about due to three different mechanisms: thermal radiation, thermal convection, and thermal conduction. Nevertheless it has been demonstrated [8,9] that the influence of thermal radiation on the effective thermal conductivity of porous metals, especially at temperatures below 700 K is low and its contribution to the effective thermal conductivity can be disregarded within these studies. On the other hand, gas movement through the interconnected porosity of the M-Pore structure (i.e., natural convection) could partially contribute to its effective thermal conductivity [10] but the contribution in the case of open-cell aluminum foams is estimated to be lower than 10%. The effect of thermal convection within the closed-cell Alporas structures is small and can be neglected. Therefore, bulk movement of gas through interconnected porosity is disregarded in this work and accordingly the validity of the results is restricted to cases where heat transfer occurs predominantly by thermal conduction. The thermal energy flux _ Q is then given by Fourier's lawwhere A is the control surface and DT/Dx is the temperature gradient.
Materials and Methods
MaterialsTwo different kinds of aluminum foams have been studied in this work. Alporas foams produced in the molten state by direct addition of pure calcium (to produce the melt thickening) and TiH 2 (to foam the thickened melt) [11] present an apparent closed-cell structure and exhibit typical porosities ranging from 0.90 to 0.92. These materials are typically classified as a closed-cell material and it is assumed that gas is occluded (i.e., it is a noncontinuous phase). On the other hand M-Pore aluminum sponges produced by infiltrating vacuum replication [12] present slightly higher porosities (0.92-0.94) and an open-cell structure, typical of the original polyurethane foams used as a basis in the process.
Micro-computed TomographyAs a first step, CT scans (cf. Fig. 2) of open-celled M-Pore aluminum sponges and closed-celled Alporas aluminum foams are conducted. A micro-CT system (mCT) composed by a micro-focus 150 kV X-ray source with a tungsten target and a flat panel detector C7942 (120 Â 120 mm 2 , 2240 Â 2368 pixel 2 , pixel-size 50 mm) was used to measure the density profile of each sample. A 100 kV filament voltage and a current of 100 mA were used in all cases. Using a source-sample distance of 200 mm and a source-detector distance of 400 mm, we achieve a ma...