“…From the plasma flow perturbations, it has been shown that the signatures of cylindrical flux transfer events (FTE) and wavy magnetopause (MP) (Silbeck and Smith, 1992) with its unearthlike rotation and magnetic field relationship and an earthlike wind. The large inclination of the rotation axis to the magnetic dipole axis in Uranus and Neptune (Akasofu et al, 1991), the trapped radiation belt system enclosing the major satellites of Uranus and the formation and stability of self-gravitating dusty epitons of Neptune are some of the major excitements in this field, the Phobos-2 measurements suggest that the SW-Mars and SW-Venus interaction is cometary like with mass loading of the solar wind. The acceleration of the heavy Martian ions could be similar to the terrestrial-auroral acceleration along with the local action of pick-up processes.…”