We compute the 1-line of stable homotopy groups of motivic spheres over fields of characteristic not two in terms of hermitian and Milnor K-groups. This is achieved by solving questions about convergence and differentials in the slice spectral sequence.Definition 2.3: The Λ-local stable model structure is the left Bousfield localization of the stable model structure on Spt Σ P 1 MS with respect to the set of naturally induced mapsall integers s, t, and X ∈ Sm S . Denote the corresponding homotopy category by SH Λ . Remark 2.4: A map α : E → F is a weak equivalence in the Λ-local stable model structure if and only if α ∧ 1 Λ : E Λ → F Λ is a stable motivic weak equivalence. When Λ = Q, this defines the rational stable motivic homotopy category. By [20, Theorem 3.3.19(1)] there exists a left Quillen functor from the stable to the Λ-local stable model structure on Spt Σ P 1 MS. We shall refer to its derived functor as the Λ-localization functor. Proof. This follows from Corollaries 2.16, 2.17, Remark 2.18 applied to every connected component of the base scheme, and the computation of s q (KQ) over fields of characteristic unequal to two in [63, Theorem 4.18].Recall that a motivic spectrum E ∈ SH Λ is called slice-wise cellular if s q (E) is contained in the full localizing triangulated subcategory of SH Λ generated by the qth suspension Σ 2q,q MΛ [73, Definition 4.1]. Let D MΛ denote the homotopy category of MΛ − mod. Replacing SH Λ by D MΛ gives an equivalent definition of slice-wise cellular spectra.Corollary 2.16: Every cellular spectrum in SH Λ is slice-wise cellular.