It has been an open question whether for electromagnetic gyro-kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations pitch-angle collisions and the recently introduced pullback transformation scheme [A. Mishchenko et al., Physics of Plasmas 21, 092110 (2014) and R. Kleiber et al., Physics of Plasmas 23, 032501 (2016)] are consistent. This question is positively answered by comparing the PIC code EUTERPE with an approach based on an expansion of the perturbed distribution function in eigenfunctions of the pitchangle collision operator (Legendre polynomials) to solve the electromagnetic drift-kinetic equation with collisions in slab geometry. It is shown how both approaches yield the same results for the frequency and damping rate of a kinetic Alfvén wave and how the perturbed distribution function is substantially changed by the presence of pitch-angle collisions.