The main objective of this paper is to develop and analyze a numerical method for the strong approximation of solutions to highly nonlinear stiff It\^{o} stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In this method, we first divide the coefficients of the SDEs into linear and nonlinear parts. Then, in two fully explicit recursive phases, we apply the appropriate truncation transformation only to the nonlinear parts of the coefficients of the SDEs at each step. Theoretical aspects are introduced to establish the $L^q$-convergence theory of the new method in the finite time interval $[0,T]$. The stability and boundedness properties of the solutions generated by the new method are also investigated. An important contribution is that the region of MS-stability of the new method includes the region of MS-stability of the partially truncated method proposed by Yang et al. (2022). Moreover, we show that the proposed method preserves the exponential MS-stability and the asymptotic boundedness of the SDEs. Finally, numerical experiments are performed to compare the efficiency of this method with an existing explicit method developed for nonlinear SDEs.
MSC Classification: 65C30 , 65L07 , 65L04