Abstract:Collocational studies have recently attracted a great deal of interest. To date, hardly any study has tackled Arab EFL learners' competency in the use of verb-adverb collocations. This study explores the way advanced Arab EFL learners handle verb-adverb collocations using two learner's dictionaries. The subjects (N = 82) were required to look up 22 verbs, 12 frequent and 10 infrequent, and guess three adverb collocates of each verb. The results showed that even advanced EFL learners had considerable difficulty in providing extra adverb collocates of both frequent and infrequent verbs. Dictionary use was effective; the subjects performed significantly better especially with infrequent verbs. Many reasons were posited for this finding, foremost of which included the subjects' deficiency in collocational skills and the lack of sufficient clues in the definitions to facilitate dictionary users' correct use of collocations. Whereas knowledge of the meaning of the stimuli was found to be a significant contributing factor to the subjects' overall collocational competence, basic prior training in dictionary usage did not show any positive impact on their overall performance.
Keywords: VERB-ADVERB COLLOCATIONS, ARAB EFL LEARNERS, FREQUENT VERBS, INFREQUENT VERBS, TRAINING IN DICTIONARY USE, COLLOCATIONS DICTIONARIES, DICTIONARY USE, LEARNER'S DICTIONARIESOpsomming: Die raai van werkwoord-bywoord-kollokasies: Arabiese EVTleerders se gebruik van elektroniese woordeboeke. Kollokasienavorsing het onlangs baie belangstelling ontlok. Tot op hede het byna geen studie Arabiese EVT-leerders se vaardighede in die gebruik van werkwoord-bywoord-kollokasies ondersoek nie. Hierdie studie ondersoek die manier waarop gevorderde Arabiese EVT-leerders met werkwoord-bywoord-kollokasies omgaan terwyl hulle twee aanleerderswoordeboeke gebruik. Die proefpersone (N = 82) is versoek om 22 werkwoorde, waarvan 12 gebruiklik en 10 ongebruiklik was, na te slaan en drie bywoordelike kollokasies vir elke werkwoord te raai. Die resultate het getoon dat selfs gevorderde EVT-leerders aansienlike probleme ondervind het om ekstra bywoordelike kollokasies vir sowel gebruiklike as ongebruiklik werkwoorde te verskaf. Woordeboekgebruik was effektief; die proefpersone het aansienlik beter gevaar by veral gebruiklike werkwoorde. Baie redes is voorgestel vir hierdie bevinding, waarvan die belangrikstes die proefpersone se gebrek aan kollokasionele vaardighede ingesluit het, asook die gebrek aan voldoende leidrade in die definisies om woordeboekgebruikers se * This is a sequel to Alzi'abi (2017). The two studies made use of the same material and subjects but each had its own aims, procedure and results.