for proof-reading parts of my thesis and providing their thoughts and comments. I also want to thank Nils Mosis for his comments of my thesis, and especially for his insights on the linear programming formulation of Section 3.3. Special thanks go out to all my friends that supported me during the past years, especially to my band colleagues Christian Altenhofen, Ralf Gutbell and Michel Krämer. Without their constant support, friendship and our regular band rehearsals, I would not have managed to finish my thesis.Last, but definitely not least, I want to thank Saskia Hollweg for her support, her love and for enduring all my moods and quirks. She endured and accepted it when I was physically present but only had mathematical problems on my mind and was always able to motivate me and cheer me up when I was frustrated with my work.This work is supported by the 'Excellence Initiative' of the German Federal and State Government and the Graduate School of Computational Engineering at Technische Universität Darmstadt, and I gratefully acknowledge their support. vii xv b (i, j, k) := lfn(b, i, {(i + 1, j)} + 1 − k) 2 +b−1 j=0 lfn(b, i+1)−1 j=1 lufn(b, i+1).