As for the financial aid information management for students with financial difficulties, due to the wide range of financial aid and subsidy objects, various subsidy types, inconsistent time and complicated subsidy review and approval processes, the work of subsidy information management staff are very headache, and it is difficult to improve work efficiency. With the increasing complexity and difficulty of poverty aid work in colleges and universities (CAU), the advantages of informatization are used to integrate poverty aid work into the management of CAU. The random forest algorithm screens and organizes data, realizes intelligent information management, and enhances precise funding for poor college students. This paper uses the B/S structure to build the platform architecture of the funding information management system, and sets up multiple functional modules for the system. After the system design is completed, the CPU, memory and disk usage of the system are tested. It is found that with the increase of concurrent users, its the share has also increased. In the system, the informatization of financial aid application and poverty identification management has been realized, the identification work can be completed more concisely and efficiently, and the update of student poverty information is also very convenient.