Knowing may be considered a virtual process as it is devoid of any experience composing emotion and sensory-motor contacts. Everyone may have enormous knowledge bank, without any accompanying sensory-motor experiences, with a need to recognize the external presence of the same signals. Multiple sets of events one may personally engage in everyday life are not later remembered, as they do not have any person significance. Acquisition of knowledge may take place in multiple contexts and methods, without any sensory-motor and emotional experiences, an individual comes to know of a new piece of information in multiples of semantic exchanges that may occur, though one may not have sensory-motor experience and any associated emotional effects about it. Remembrance on the other hand, is a process of retrieval of such autobiographic episode when one could have a reexperience of the earlier episode as the same brain areas representing the same sensory-motor experiences and emotional effects are reactivated. One could have an experience only by taking part in an activity, where as one may have close sensory experiences by witnessing an activity, both could be remembered by one. Ability to remember a previous experience therefore occurs only when one has participated in an activity, or partly present when was physically present in the event that took place. Mere knowledge of an episode would not help source memory activation and recreation of the sensory-motor events.