ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLEFurthermore, albumin values have been used in the 2-parameter albumin-bilirubin (ALBI) quantitative grading system for liver function in HCC, which has in turn been incorporated into several staging systems (21-25). There is thus much recent interest in serum albumin levels in prognostication, mainly as a reflection of liver function in HCC. However, there is also some direct experimental evidence that increased albumin levels can actually suppress HCC cell growth (26,27). Viewed this way, albumin levels may influence prognosis as much by their actions on HCC biology as by their reflection of impaired liver function.In this study, we examined the clinical correlations of serum albumin levels in a large HCC patient cohort with parameters of HCC behavior, and found an inverse relationship between serum albumin levels and HCC aggressiveness.
Patient dataWe retrospectively analyzed a prospectively collected database of 4,139 HCC patients, as previously reported (28,29), who had full baseline tumor parameter data, including computed axial tomography (CT) scan information on HCC size, number of tumor nodules and presence of PVT and plasma AFP levels; complete blood counts; routine blood liver function tests (total bilirubin, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase [GGT] and albumin); and patient demographics. Database management conformed to legislation on privacy, and this study conformed to the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval for this retrospective study