Peritoneal B1 cells are typified by spontaneous, constitutive secretion of IgM natural antibody, detected by ELISPOT assay, among other means. Recently, this key characteristic has been called into question, a reason for which we evaluated the integrity of IgM 1 ELISPOT spots. We found that fixed B1 cells fail to produce ELISPOT spots, that interference with Golgi function inhibits ELISPOT spot formation, and that B1 cell-derived immunoglobulin in supernatant samples is EndoH-resistant. These findings indicate that spots produced by B1 cells on ELISPOT assay reflect secretory IgM actively exported by viable B1 cells. Current paradigms propose that interferon response factor 4 (IRF4) is required for plasma cell differentiation and immunoglobulin secretion. However, we found that IgM secretion by peritoneal B1 cells is not altered in IRF4-null mice. In contrast, spontaneous IgM secretion by splenic B1 cells, which amounts to much more IgM secreted per cell, is dramatically reduced in the absence of IRF4. These results indicate that peritoneal B1 cells spontaneously secrete low levels of IgM via an IRF4-independent nonclassical pathway, and, considering the low level of serum IgM in IRF-null mice, further suggest that accumulation of serum immunoglobulin depends on IRF4-dependent secretion by splenic B1 cells.Key words: Antibodies . B cells . Cell differentiation . Spleen . Transcription factors Introduction B1 cells are defined by expression of the surface antigen CD5, in the context of characteristic B-cell markers, and play a key role in early protection against, and clearance of, bacterial and viral infection via constitutive production of non-immune serum IgM, termed ''natural antibody '' [1-4]. Natural antibody approximates the germline state due to relative absence of nontemplated N-region addition and somatic mutation, is both low affinity and broadly reactive, and includes autoreactive specificities. This germline-like immunoglobulin is repertoire-skewed, which is readily appreciated from the overrepresentation among B1 cells of V H 11 and V H 12 heavy chain variable gene segments that encode phosphatidyl choline binding, in comparison with the virtually undetectable levels found in B2 cells [5][6][7]. B1 cellderived immunoglobulin also recognizes discrete microbial cell wall determinants, such as phosphorylcholine from S. pneumoniae [8][9][10]. B1 cells have been further shown to play a role in adaptive immune responses in models of contact sensitivity and sepsis; in addition, B1 cells present antigen efficiently to T cells and have the capacity to steer naïve CD4 1 T-cell development toward Th17-cell differentiation [11][12][13]. The recent identification of a B1-cell progenitor [14] suggests that these and other distinctive phenotypic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and functional features displayed by B1 cells (reviewed in references [15][16][17]) derive from a separate B-cell lineage. Eur. J. Immunol. 2010. 40: 3007-3016 DOI 10.1002 HIGHLIGHTS 3007
FrontlineNatural antibody produced by B1 cells is referr...