control of molecular photodissociation through one-photon
transitions has become a topic of interest in physical chemistry.
Previous studies have shown that modulating the spectral phase of
a single ultrafast laser pulse while keeping its spectral amplitude
constant does not affect the dissociation yield of reactions originating
from a pure eigenstate of the ground electronic state. Here, we explore
the indirect photodissociation reaction of NaI molecules using theoretical
and numerical methods. Our findings show that, in contrast to the
outcomes achieved with negatively chirped pulses, time-dependent population
of the eigenstates of the excited adiabatic potential induced by positively
chirped laser pulses, acting as intermediates in the reaction, cannot
be periodically restored to that caused by the unchirped pulse. This
gives rise to an intriguing phenomenon: the sign of the pulse’s
chirp rate influences the distribution of dissociation fragments in
coordinate and momentum space over extended periods. This work highlights
the potential of using spectral-phase modulated pulses to manipulate
indirect photodissociation reactions, offering a way to modify the
transient photofragment distributions by controlling reaction intermediates.