Inrush current is still a persistent problem affecting the quality of the power system. This paper presents the theoretical aspects of this transient phenomenon, the simulation of the phenomenon for prediction purposes and its measurement in a test laboratory. In the operation of power transformers, there may also be cases where electrical phenomena affecting the operation of transformers may overlap. When power transformers are in operation, there may also be cases where electrical phenomena affecting their operation overlap. This paper includes a study describing such a situation, where the maximum value of the inrush current is amplified by the fact that the series resonance condition has been met. The intersection of these electrical phenomena resulted in internal and external electrical discharges that led to the overhaul of a 440 MVA transformer; the description of this situation is based on field data. The paper focuses on real information and situations that support the development of a maintenance management schedule based on accurate and up-to-date data. The information presented in this paper will be particularly useful to personnel specializing in power transformer design and/or those monitoring/operating high power transformers in the energy sector, but can also be a teaching aid for students interested in such transient phenomena.