Electron microscopy of the lungs of Melanophryniscus stelzneri stelzneri (Anura) revealed the presence of a complex pattern of corpuscular cells (CCs). The respiratory surface over the septa presents small areas where the CCs are grouped forming neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs). These corpuscular structures can also be localized in the inner layer of the lung wall. Although in both cases NEBs protrude slightly into the airway lumen, they are separated from the airway lumen and the basal connective tissue by thin apical and basal cytoplasmic processes of neighbouring pneumocytes. Ultrastructurally, the CCs possess a large nucleus, clear cytoplasm and vesicles of variable morphology and size, containing an electron dense material surrounded by a lucent space in some cases. The size of these dense-core vesicles (DCVs) ranged from 40 to 100 nm. The NEBs are associated with afferent and efferent terminal nerves. These types of nerve endings are located between the CCs and in the basal part of the NEBs. The location of the NEBs in strategic positions on the septa and in the wall of the lung, the presence of the DCVs in the basolateral region of the CCs, the occurrence of synaptic contacts between nerve endings and the CCs and the occurrence of capillaries close to the NEBs, suggest a receptosecretory function for NEBs in the lung of M.s. stelzneri.