Summary A trophoblast cell surface antigen has been characterised by a monoclonal antibody (mAb) 5T4, raised following immunisation with solubilised wheat germ agglutinin binding glycoproteins from human syncytiotrophoblast plasma membrane (StMPM). The expression of the 72 kDa glycoprotein was assessed on cryostat sections of a range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues, using an avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique. In products of conception, intense reactions were noted with villous syncytiotrophoblast membrane in normal early and term placenta, with weaker positivity of placental site trophoblast. Most normal or non-neoplastic tissues were negative, including liver, kidney, spleen, small intestine, ovary Specifically, sections were washed in two changes of tris buffered saline (TBS) pH 7.6 and then covered with 10% normal horse serum in TBS for 20 min. After draining, the slides were incubated with neat culture supernatant for 30 min in a moist chamber. Following three washes in TBS (5 min each), biotinylated anti-mouse Ig (Vector Laboratories) diluted 1/250 in TBS containing 10% normal human serum was applied. After 30 min incubation in the moist chamber, the slides were washed three times and incubated with the avidin-biotin peroxidase complexes reagent (Vector Laboratories) for 50 min. After three washes in TBS, peroxidase was visualised using a freshly prepared and filtered solution of diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB-Sigma) in TBS containing 0.03% hydrogen peroxide (6 min). Sections were washed in tap water and counterstained in Coles' haematoxylin, dehydrated, cleared and mounted (Ralmount-R.A. Lamb). The immunohistochemical results were interpreted with reference to a set of controls run in parallel with each test. These included sections treated with DAB only to show endogenous peroxidase, omission of the primary antibody and replacement of the primary antibody with one of the same class but of unrelated specificity. Reactivity of mAb 5T4 with fixed and paraffin wax embedded sections of term placental trophoblast was also assessed by immunoperoxidase. 5T4 mAb reactivity was assessed by P.J.S. and G.M.B. and the intensity of staining was scored on an arbitrary scale ( + to + + + ). Very weak or equivocal reactions were scored + /-.Flow cytometric analyses of human bone marrow cells labelled in PBS, 1% BSA 0. 1% azide with 5T4 mAb followed by 1/20 rabbit anti-mouse Ig-FITC (Serotec, Bicester, UK) was performed on a Becton-Dickenson FACS analyser. The purified mAb 5T4 at 10 ig ml-' was tested for interference with the growth of human pluripotential haematopoietic colonies as described by Welte et al. (1985).
RadioimmunoassaySyncytiotrophoblast microvillous plasma membranes (StMPM) were prepared as previously described (Hole &