In this study, the approach of a sustainable livelihood framework following the guidance of the Department for International Development (DFID) is used to assess the livelihoods of people in rural areas of Tan Phuoc district, Tien Giang province. This is one of the acid sulphate soil areas of the Mekong Delta. Sustainable livelihood framework according to Department for International Development in the study will consider the assets of Tan Phuoc district people to ensure livelihoods including human capital, physical capital, financial capital, natural capital, and social capital. The results show that most of the capital for developing livelihoods of people in this area is poor (natural capital, human capital, social capital, financial capital), only physical capital is considered to meet the current development needs. They are the basis for proposing development orientations for Tan Phuoc district in the future, including socio-economic development, labor quality improvement and the number of professionally trained people. Besides, there are specific s upport policies for people and there are many sources of capital to help people access policies easily. To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to develop development plans of regions according to natural conditions, continue to improve the skills of local communities and provide specific support policies for livelihood activities. Attract many different sources of investment capital for the locality so that people can easily access, improve the income of local people in the future, especially need a population development strategy corresponding to the development conditions of the district. The analysis is based on aggregate collected data on the different types of livelihoods in the province, so they are of great overall value. However, this is also the basis for conducting detailed studies and investigations for further studies with the aim of having accurate information and correct assessment of the current livelihood status of each district and livelihood group.