1. Introduction. In passing through a row of blades in a turbomachine, a nonuniform fluid stream undergoes a change. To date, the question of how drastic the change is and how it affects the hydrodynamic characteristics of the row has not been adequately studied. Theoretical analyses have been performed mainly with the use of a two-dimensional model of flow under the assumption that the flow is nonuniform and the loading on the airfoils is small. In this statement of the problem, known as the problem of a cascade in an unsteady eddy flow, the disturbance of the flow induced by the airfoils is of purely potential character. Due to the exponential decrease of the disturbance, the flow nonuniformity upstream and downstream the cascade remains invariant. In recent years the availability of powerful computers made it possible to perform the calculations on the basis of the full Euler or Navier-Stokes equations to obtain the flow pattern behind the cascade [1, 2]. In view of the complexity of the model, only sporadic results have been obtained, which does not enable us to study the dependence of the flow structure on the basic parameters of the cascade.In the present paper, as in the problem of a cascade in unsteady eddy flow, the nonuniformity is assumed to be small, but the restriction on the loading on airfoils is removed. The airfoils may be of arbitrary shape. We consider the problem linearized on a steady stream, which corresponds to constant (at infinity) flow around the cascade.2. Statement of the Problem. Let us consider an airfoil cascade in the stream of an ideal incompressible liquid in the plane of the complex variable z = x + iy. We assume the arbitrary airfoils in the cascade to be smooth or with a sharp trailing edge. Let us suppose that the complex stream velocity at infmity ahead of the cascade can be presented as V = V 1 o, + d, where Vl~ = con~, and d = J(x, y + ut) = d(x, y + ut + h I) is the small nonuniformity. In the general case this is eddy nonuniformity (rot J ;~ 0) propagating in the y direction as a periodic traveling wave with velocity u (Fig. 1). We suggest an arbitrary period of nonuniformity h I and a cascade pitch h 2 that satisfy the condition H = Nlh 1 = N2h 2 (H is the full period, N 1 and N 2 are integers). Let us neglect the transient vortex wakes which trail down the airfoils due to the change in circulation (quasisteady-state statement of the problem). Moreover, we assume that there is no reverse stream near the cascade, while the eddying at infinity ahead of the cascade is equal to zero: