PROCHÁZKA, D., KOUBEK, T.: Augmented reality implementation methods in mainstream applications. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 4, pp. 257-266 Augmented reality has became an useful tool in many areas from space exploration to military applications. Although used theoretical principles are well known for almost a decade, the augmented reality is almost exclusively used in high budget solutions with a special hardware. However, in last few years we could see rising popularity of many projects focused on deployment of the augmented reality on diff erent mobile devices. Our article is aimed on developers who consider development of an augmented reality application for the mainstream market. Such developers will be forced to keep the application price, therefore also the development price, at reasonable level. Usage of existing image processing so ware library could bring a significant cut-down of the development costs. In the theoretical part of the article is presented an overview of the augmented reality application structure. Further, an approach for selection appropriate library as well as the review of the existing so ware libraries focused in this area is described. The last part of the article out lines our implementation of key parts of the augmented reality application using the OpenCV library.augmented reality, OpenCV, template matching, ARToolkit, computer vision, image processing.