Mitsuaria sp. TWR114 is a biocontrol agent against tomato bacterial wilt (TBW). We aimed to gain 19 genomic insights relevant to the biocontrol mechanisms and colonization ability of this strain. The draft 20 genome size was found to be 5,632,523 bp, with a GC content of 69.5%, assembled into 1,144 scaffolds.
21Genome annotation predicted a total of 4,675 protein coding sequences (CDSs), 914 pseudogenes, 49 22 transfer RNAs, 3 noncoding RNAs, and 2 ribosomal RNAs. Genome analysis identified multiple CDSs 23 associated with various pathways for the metabolism and transport of amino acids and carbohydrates, 24 motility and chemotactic capacities, protection against stresses (oxidative, antibiotic, and phage), 25 production of secondary metabolites, peptidases, quorum-quenching enzymes, and indole-3-acetic acid, as 26 well as protein secretion systems and their related appendages. The genome resource will extend our 27 understanding of the genomic features related to TWR114's biocontrol and colonization abilities and 28 facilitate its development as a new biopesticide against TBW.