A new all-optical flip-flop based on a nonlinear Distributed feedback (DFB) structure is proposed. The device does not require a holding beam. A nonlinear part of the grating is detuned from the remaining part of the grating and has negative nonlinear coefficient. Optical gain is provided by an injected electrical current into an active layer. In the OFF state, due to the detuned section, no laser light is generated in the device. An injected optical pulse reduces the detuning of the nonlinear section, and the optical feedback provided by the DFB structure generates a laser light in the structure that sustains the change in the detuned section. The device is switched "OFF" by detuning another section of the grating by a Reset pulse. The Reset pulse reduces the refractive index of that section by the generation of electron-hole pairs. The Reset pulse wavelength is adjusted such that the optical gain provided by the active layer at that wavelength is zero. The Reset pulse is prevented from reaching the nonlinear detuned section by introducing an optical absorber in the laser cavity to attenuate the pulse. The device is simulated in time domain using General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) computing. Set-Reset operations are in nanosecond time scale.