lkpiir~tnetit of Hiologic~ul Sciericw. North Eust Siirrey College of Ti.c~lirrology, Krigurc. Korrd9 Ewell, I+.sotn K 7'1 7 3D.S. U. K .The use o f electron paramagnetic resonance and fluorcscence polarization spectroscopy has shown that there are decreases in synaptic plasma membrane fluidity following chronic ethanol administration t o rodents I 1 I. Such changes might have effects on the functioning o f synaptic proteins and. therefore. the membrane perturbation caused by ethanol may be involved in the drug's effects on neutrotransmission. and the development o f tolerance and dependence (21. T h e activity of membrane-bound enzymes is dependent on the physicochcmical state of their lipid environment and increases with temperature up t o a point where protein denaturation occurs [ 31. A linear relationship between enzyme activity and temperature can be derived, the Arrhenius Plot. from which the activation energy ( E J can be calculated. A discontinuity, o r break in the slope of this plot, is indicative of a lipid phase transition occurring at that temperature ( 7il). Therefore, the measurement o f 7;, can provide a useful index of the fluidity of the lipid microenvironment o f particular membrane-bound enzymes. In this study. the effect o f temperature on the mitochondria1 enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the brain of ethanol-tolerant mice was investigated.Male CFLP mice (20-30 g) were housed individually in NKP-M2 cages in a quiet room maintained on a 12 h light/ dark circle. One group of animals (ALC) were given 5%) (v/v) ethanol in the form of a chocolate-flavoured liquid diet for 7 days 141. while the other group (CON) were pair-fed an isocalorific diet with sucrose substituted for the ethanol. Locomotor activity in the Open Field (45 cm diameter, 14 cm wall height) was recorded over a 5 min period on day 7 of chronic ethanol treatment, and tolerance to the drug assessed by the method o f Ritzmann & Tabakoff 151. Twentyfour hours later, M A 0 was assayed in thc brain (excluding the pons/medulla oblongata and cerebellum) over a temperature range of 10-41°C using kynurarnine as the substrate (61. T h e concentrations of the monoamine neurotransmitters: dopamine. noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT ) were also measured fluorimetrically after their isolation from deproteinized brain supernatants using Sephadex G-10 microcolumns [ 71. T h e concentration o f ethanol in the brain at the end o f the treatment period was quantified by gns-liquid chromatography using a Pye Series 104 Gas Chromatograph linked to a Philips PU-48 I 0 Computing Intcgrator. ALC mice exhibited hyperactivity in the Open Field, with activity counts of I 2 0 I f 0.3 (mean k s.E.M.; ti = 16) compared with a C O N value o f 7 5 Y f 6 6 (t=3.X0, I ' < O . O I ) . Chronic ethanol administration resulted in tolerance t o the hypothermic effect of an acute dose of ethanol. T h e decrease in rectal tcmperature of 1 .04 f 0.36"C (mean f s.E.M.; ti = 7) in A L C mice 30 min after an i.p. injection of ethanol (3 g/kg), was significantly ...