Using the Internet, nothing is secure and as we are in need of means of protecting our data, the use of passwords has become important in the electronic world. To ensure that there is no hacking and to protect the database that contains important information such as the ID card and banking information, the proposed system stores the username after hashing it using the 256 hash algorithm and strong passwords are saved to repel attackers using one of two methods:
-The first method is to add a random salt to the password using the CSPRNG algorithm, then hash it using hash 256 and store it on the website.
-The second method is to use the PBKDF2 algorithm, which salts the passwords and extends them (deriving the password) before being hashed and stored on the website.
The results of the two methods are compared in terms of speed and resistance to attackers, then password attacks are analysed in addition to calculating the strength of the password, the time it takes for the user to log in, and the time required for the attacker to guess the passwords per second. The Wolfram Alpha is used to calculate the mathematic operations and system implementation was done by using IntelliJ IDEA with java FX.