The vehicle license plate recognition (VLPR) system analyzes and monitors the speed of vehicles, theft of vehicles, the violation of traffic rules, illegal parking, etc., on the motorway. The VLPR consists of three major parts: license plate detection (LPD), license plate character segmentation (LPCS), and license plate character recognition (LPCR). This paper presents an efficient method for the LPCS and LPCR of Korean vehicle license plates (LPs). LP tilt adjustment is a very important process in LPCS. Radon transformation is used to correct the tilt adjustment of LP. The global threshold segmentation method is used for segmented LP characters from two different types of Korean LPs, which are a single row LP (SRLP) and double row LP (DRLP). The cross-correlation matching method is used for LPCR. Our experimental results show that the proposed methods for LPCS and LPCR can be easily implemented, and they achieved 99.35% and 99.85% segmentation and recognition accuracy rates, respectively for Korean LPs.