A remoção de Ăons Pb 2+ a partir de soluçÔes diluĂdas foi estudada, em condiçÔes galvanostĂĄticas, usando uma cĂ©lula de fluxo sem membrana com eletrodos de esponja de aço inoxidĂĄvel (SSW). A metodologia de superfĂcie de resposta (variĂĄveis independentes: corrente elĂ©trica e vazĂŁo) foi usada para obter as condiçÔes Ăłtimas para a remoção de Pb 2+ a partir de 2 L de uma solução de Pb(NO 3 ) 2 50 mg L -1 em NaNO 3 0,10 mol L -1 + H 3 BO 3 0,10 mol L -1 (pH 4,8). A partir das superfĂcies de respostas, concluiu-se que a vazĂŁo (59-341 L h -1 ) nĂŁo influencia significativamente no processo de remoção de Pb 2+ . Por outro lado, o aumento da corrente elĂ©trica leva a uma maior remoção de Pb 2+ , com valores significantemente melhores de consumo de energia especĂfica e eficiĂȘncia de corrente quando comparados Ă queles relatados na literatura. Para um experimento realizado na regiĂŁo de condiçÔes Ăłtimas (70 mA e 200 L h -1 ), uma conversĂŁo de Pb 2+ de 99,6% foi atingida depois de 90 min de eletrĂłlise. A utilização da cĂ©lula de fluxo sem membrana com eletrodos de SSW, alĂ©m de ser energeticamente mais eficiente, levou Ă remoção de Pb 2+ em ambos os eletrodos, mais predominantemente no anodo, sobre o qual 95% dos Ăons Pb 2+ foram convertidos a PbO 2 .The removal of Pb 2+ ions from dilute solutions was investigated under galvanostatic conditions using a membrane-less flow-through cell with stainless steel wool (SSW) electrodes. The response surface methodology (independent variables: electric current and volumetric flow rate) was used to find the optimal conditions for Pb 2+ removal from 2 L of an aqueous solution of 50 mg L -1 Pb(NO 3 ) 2 in 0.10 mol L -1 NaNO 3 + 0.10 mol L -1 H 3 BO 3 (pH 4.8). The obtained response surfaces revealed that the volumetric flow rate (59-341 L h -1 ) does not substantially affect the Pb 2+ removal process. On the other hand, the electric current increase led to higher Pb 2+ removal, with significantly improved values of specific energy consumption and current efficiency when compared with those reported in the literature. For an experiment carried out in the optimum-condition region (70 mA and 200 L h -1 ), a Pb 2+ conversion of 99.6% was attained after 90 min of electrolysis. The use of the membrane-less flow-through cell with SSW electrodes, besides being significantly more energy efficient, led to Pb 2+ removal on both electrodes, but predominantly in the SSW anode, on which more than 95% of the Pb 2+ ions were converted to PbO 2 .Keywords: electrolytic removal of Pb 2+ ions, electrochemical treatment, Pb 2+ wastewater, simultaneous cathodic/anodic Pb 2+ removal, factorial design, response surface methodology
IntroductionNowadays, environmental agencies of many countries require the treatment of aqueous effluents containing toxic metallic ions, such as Cd 2+ , Cr 6+ and Pb 2+ , to decrease their concentrations to lower values than those permitted for discharge into sewers (few mg L -1 down to zero, depending on the country). The treatment of these effluents is usually done adjusting their pH or a...