Diastereoselectivity in the cyclization of ethyl 7-bromo-2-methylheptanoates with an additional substituent at various positions in the chain, by LDA treatment, was investigated in connection with the concept of folding strain stereocontrol. Cyclization of 3-, 4-, and 6-methyl-substituted substrates revealed high selectivity, which demonstrates the prevalence of folding strain stereocontrol and the usefulness of this approach for stereoselective ring construction. In particular, reactions of the latter two substrates resulted in the stereodivergent preparation of diastereomeric 1,3-dimethylcyclohexanecarboxylates. In the case of the 5-methyl-substituted substrate, the selectivity of ring closure was only moderate. 'H and '" NMR spectroscopic data were useful for determining the conformation of 1-methylcyclohexanecarboxylate derivatives. The origin of the diastereoselectivity was examined through the qualitative comparison of the strain in the diastereomeric folding in the transition state. Various factors that might affect stereoselectivity were examined in the cyclization of 5-substituted substrates to better understand this concept. As predicted, the selectivity increased as the substituent became bulkier: Ph < M e = Et < i-Pr < t-Bu. The effects of other factors -solvent, base counter cation, and leaving group -on selectivity agree with results predicted from the reactivity-selectivity relationship.Key words: folding strain stereocontrol; diastereoselectivity in ring-closure reaction; remote asymmetric induction; ethyl 2-methylcyclohexanecarboxylate derivatives, 'H and 13c NMR; stereoselective synthesis of substituted cyclohexane derivatives.Resume : Dans le cadre de travaux sur le concept du stCrCocontr6le par le plissement des chahes, on a CtudiC la diastCrCosClectivitC de la cyclisation, sous l'influence du LDA, de 7-bromo-2-mCthylheptanoates d'Cthyle portant un substituant additionnel dans diverses positions. Les cyclisations des substrats substituCs par des groupes mCthyles en positions 3 , 4 ou 6 se produisent avec une grande sClectivitC; ceci met en Cvidence la prkvalence du stCrCocontr6le par le plissement de la chaine et dCmontre 1'utilitC de cette approche pour la formation stCrCosClective de cycles. Ceci est particulibrement vrai avec les deux derniers substrats qui conduisent a la prCparation stCrCoconvergente des 1,3-dimCthylcyclohexanecarboxylates diastCrCombres. Dans le cas du substrat portant un groupe mCthyle en position 5, la sClectivitC de la formation du cycle n'est que modCrCe. Les donnCes de la spectroscopie RMN du 'H et du I3c se sont avCrCes utiles pour la dktermination de la conformation des dCrivCs 1-mCthylcyclohexanecarboxylates. On a CtudiC l'origine de la diastCrCosClectivitC par le biais d'une comparaison qualitative de la tension dans le plissement diastCrCombre dans 1'Ctat de transition. Dans le but de mieux comprendre ce concept, on a examin6 divers facteurs pouvant affecter la stCrCosClectivitC lors de la cyclisation de substrats substituCs en position 5. Tel qu'on ...