The main results of this paper concern growth in sums of a k-convex function f . Firstly, we streamline the proof (from [9]) of a growth result for f (A) where A has small additive doubling, and improve the bound by removing logarithmic factors. The result yields an optimal bound forWe also generalise a recent result from [10], proving that for any finitewhere s = k+12 . This allows us to prove that, given any natural number s ∈ N, there exists m = m(s) such that if A ⊂ R, then(1)This is progress towards a conjecture [1] which states that (1) can be replaced withDeveloping methods of Solymosi, and Bloom and Jones, and using an idea from [5], we present some new sum-product type results in the complex numbers C and in the function field F q ((t −1 )).