The two non-CO 2 greenhouse gases (GHGs) nitrous oxide (N 2 O) and methane (CH 4 ) comprise 54.8% of total New Zealand emissions. Nitrous oxide is mainly generated from mineral N originating from animal dung and urine, applied fertiliser N, biologically fixed N 2 , and mineralisation of soil organic N. Even though about 96% of the anthropogenic CH 4 emitted in New Zealand is from ruminant animals (methanogenesis), methane uptake by aerobic soils (methanotrophy) can significantly contribute to the removal of CH 4 from the atmpsphere, as the global estimates confirm. Both the net uptake of CH 4 by soils and N 2 O emissions from soils are strongly influenced by changes in land use and land management. Quantitative information on the fluxes of these two non-CO 2 GHGs is required for a range of land-use and land-management ecosystems to determine their contribution to the national emissions inventory, and for assessing the potential of mitigation options. Here we report soil N 2 O fluxes and CH 4 uptake for a range of land-use and landmanagement systems collated from published and unpublished New Zealand studies. Nitrous oxide emissions are highest in dairy-grazed pastures (10-12 kg N 2 O-N ha −1 year −1 ), intermediate in sheepgrazed pastures, (4-6 kg N 2 O-N ha −1 year −1 ), and lowest in forest, shrubland and ungrazed pasture soils (1-2 kg N 2 O-N ha −1 year −1 ). N deposited in the form of animal urine and dung, and N applied as fertiliser, are the principal sources of N 2 O production. Generally, N 2 O emissions from grazed pasture soils are high when the soil water-filled pore-space is above field capacity, and net CH 4 uptake is low or absent. Although nitrification inhibitors have shown some promise in reducing N 2 O emissions from grazed pasture systems, their efficacy as an integral part of farm management has yet to be tested. Methane uptake was highest for a New Zealand Beech forest soil (10-11 kg CH 4 ha −1 year −1 ), intermediate in some pine forest soils (4-6 kg CH 4 ha −1 year −1 ), and lowest in most pasture (<1 kg CH 4 ha −1 year −1 ) and cropped soils (1.5 kg CH 4 ha −1 year −1 ). Afforestation / reforestation of pastures results in increases in soil CH 4 uptake, largely as a result of increases in soil aeration status and changes in the population and activities of methanotrophs. Soil CH 4 uptake is also seasonally dependent, being about two to three times higher in a dry summer and autumn than in a wet winter. There are no practical ways yet available to reduce CH 4 emissions from agricultural systems. The mitigation options to reduce gaseous emissions are discussed and future research needs identified.