Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) establishes latency in human sensory and cranial nerve ganglia during primary infection (varicella), and the virus can reactivate and cause zoster after primary infection. The mechanism of how the virus establishes and maintains latency and how it reactivates is poorly understood, largely due to the lack of robust models. We found that axonal infection of neurons derived from hESCs in a microfluidic device with cell-free parental Oka (POka) VZV resulted in latent infection with inability to detect several viral mRNAs by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR, no production of infectious virus, and maintenance of the viral DNA genome in endless configuration, consistent with an episome configuration. With deep sequencing, however, multiple viral mRNAs were detected. Treatment of the latently infected neurons with Ab to NGF resulted in production of infectious virus in about 25% of the latently infected cultures. Axonal infection of neurons with vaccine Oka (VOka) VZV resulted in a latent infection similar to infection with POka; however, in contrast to POka, VOka-infected neurons were markedly impaired for reactivation after treatment with Ab to NGF. In addition, viral transcription was markedly reduced in neurons latently infected with VOka compared with POka. Our in vitro system recapitulates both VZV latency and reactivation in vivo and may be used to study viral vaccines for their ability to establish latency and reactivate. varicella-zoster virus | varicella vaccine | reactivation | latency | herpesvirus V aricella-zoster virus (VZV) is a member of Alphaherpesvirinae, characterized by neurotropism and lifelong latent infection in human dorsal root, cranial nerve, and enteric ganglia (1). During primary infection (varicella), VZV gains access to sensory neurons by two potential routes: retrograde axonal transport from cutaneous lesions or infection of neurons by virus-infected T cells circulating through the body (2). The virus then establishes latency in neurons, and months to years later, when VZV-specific T cells decline, the virus can reactivate to cause herpes zoster.VZV is the only human herpesvirus for which a licensed vaccine is approved, and the live-attenuated vaccine Oka (VOka) virus is effective in preventing both varicella and zoster. VOka was derived from WT parental Oka (POka) by propagation in human embryonic lung cells, guinea pig embryo fibroblasts, and human fibroblasts (3, 4). VOka is a genetic mixture of at least eight genotypes (5), and, initially, the genomes of POka and VOka were found to differ by 42 nucleotides and 20 amino acids (6). A recent study using deep sequencing identified 165 additional nucleotide changes in VOka, although most changes were presence in <10% of viral genomes (7). Attenuation of VOka is postulated to be due to mutations in multiple regions of the genome (8, 9).Despite numerous studies, the mechanisms for establishment and maintenance of VZV latency and subsequent reactivation remain poorly understood, primarily due to the lack of ...