We consider the problem of optimal allocation strategies for a (perfect) vaccine in an infinite-metapopulation model (including SIS, SIR, SEIR, . . . ), when the loss function is given by the effective reproduction number Re, which is defined as the spectral radius of the effective next generation matrix (in finite dimension) or more generally of the effective next generation operator (in infinite dimension). We give sufficient conditions for Re to be a convex or a concave function of the vaccination strategy. Then, following a previous work, we consider the bi-objective problem of minimizing simultaneously the cost and the loss of the vaccination strategies. In particular, we prove that a cordon sanitaire might not be optimal, but it is still better than the "worst" vaccination strategies. Inspired by the graph theory, we compute the minimal cost which ensures that no infection occurs using independent sets. Using Frobenius decomposition of the whole population into irreducible sub-populations, we give some explicit formulae for optimal ("best" and "worst") vaccinations strategies. Eventually, we provide equivalence properties on models which ensure that the function Re is unchanged.