Organic volatiles and water in Oort Cloud comets were investigated at infrared wavelengths. The detected species include H20, CO, CH30H, Cl& C2H2, C&, OCS, HCN, NH3, and HzCO. Several daughter fragments (CN, OH, NH*, etc.) are also measured, and OH prompt emission provides a proxy for water. Long-slit spectra are taken at high spectral dispersion and high spatial resolution, eliminating several sources of systematic error. The resulting parent volatile production rates are highly robust, permitting a sensitive search for compositional diversity among comets. Here, seven OC comets are compared. Six (including Halley) exhibit similar compositions (excepting CO and CI$). Their low formation temperatures (-30 K) suggest this group probably formed beyond 30 AU from the young sun. However, C/1999 S4 is severely depleted in hypervolatiles and also in methanol, and it likely formed near 5 -10 AU. C/2001 A2 is discussed briefly to illustrate future prospects.