Near-UV-vis magnetic and natural circular dichroism (MCD and CD) spectra of oxidized, reduced, and carbonmonoxy-complexed cytochrome ba3, a terminal oxidase from the bacterium Thermus thermophilus, and nanosecond time-resolved MCD (TRMCD) and CD (TRCD) spectra of the unligated species formed after photodissociation of the CO complex are presented. The spectral contributions of individual cytochromes b and a3 to the Soret region MCD are identified. TRMCD spectroscopy is used to follow the spin state change (S = 0 to S = 2) in cytochrome a3(2+) following photodissociation of the CO complex. There is prompt appearance of the high-spin state after photolysis, as found previously in mammalian cytochrome oxidase [Goldbeck, R. A., Dawes, T. D., Einarsdóttir, O., Woodruff, W. H., & Kliger, D. S. (1991) Biophys. J. 60, 125-134]. Peak shifts of 1-10 nm appear in the TRMCD, TRCD, and time-resolved UV-vis absorption spectra of the photolyzed enzyme throughout its observable lifetime, indicating that the photolyzed enzyme does not relax to its equilibrium deliganded form before recombination with CO occurs hundreds of milliseconds later. Direct heme-heme interaction is not found in cytochrome ba3, but red-shifts in the MCD and absorption spectra of both cytochromes b and (photolyzed) a3 are correlated with a CO-liganded form of the protein. The long time (tau approximately greater than 1 s) needed for relaxation of the cytochrome b and a3 peaks to their static positions suggests that CO binding to a3 induces a global conformational change in the protein that weakly perturbs the MCD and absorption spectra of b and photolyzed a3. Fea3 binds CO more weakly in cytochrome ba3 than in cytochrome aa3. The MCD spectrum of reduced enzyme solution placed under 1 atm of CO contains a peak at 446 nm that shows approximately 30% of total cytochrome a3 remains pentacoordinate, high-spin.