ABSTRACT. Cultured fibroblasts from 13 patients with organic aciduria suggesting 3-oxothiolase deficiency were studied by measuring first the capacity of the isoleucine degradative pathways in whole cells, as the incorporation of 1-[I4C]-2-methylbutanoicacid into macromolecules, and, second, the activity of 3-oxothiolase in cell homogenates using specific 3-oxoacyl-CoA substrates to identify the different enzymes. Nine patient s showed low incorporation by the macromolecular labeling assa y, as well as deficiency of 2-methylacetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. In this group of patients, low activity by the macromolecular labeling assay was associated with clinically severe symptoms, and vice versa. Two patient s showed reduced macromolecular labeling, but apparently normal 3-oxothiolase. Finally, two patients showed normal acti vities by either test , the reason for their particular organic aciduria being unknown. In conclusion, occurrence of urinary 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyric acid and/or tiglylglycine is not an unequivocal indicator of the absence of the thiolas e that metabolizes 2-methylacetoacetyl-CoA. Measurement of I-p4C]-2-methylbutanoic acid incorporation in cultured fibroblasts adds important information in stud ying possible defects of the isoleucine catabolic pathway. (Pediatr Res 28: 518-522, 1990) by Daum et al. ( I) , Since then , a number of cases have been reported, with a somewhat varying patt ern of organic aciduria, but genera lly excretion of 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyric acid and tiglylglycine (2-15 ). In some of these cases, a defect in th e mit ochondrial short chain-length-specific thiolase (EC (McKusick 20375) has been observed (7,9-12). Clinically, the patient s show a highly variable symptomatology, some cases presenting in the 1st year of life with severe ketoacidosis and lifethreaten ing disease, other cases present ing with mild attacks with lethargy and vomiting later in childhood. We are thu s faced with a syndrome of highly variable clinical severity, as well as biochemical heterogeneity with a varying degree of organ ic aciduria. To clarify this situation, we developed an MMLA that measure s the overall capacity of isoleucine degradation distal to 2-methylbutyryl-CoA, using [1-14 C]-2-methylbutan oic acid incorporation in cultured fibroblasts from skin biopsies. In parallel, we measured the fibroblast activities of 3-oxothiolase using 2-methylacetoacetyl-CoA as well as acetoacetyl-CoA and 3-oxohexano yl-CoA to give positive identification of an y decreased activities of the different cellular th iolases present. Som e of the results have been briefly reported elsewhere ( 16,17).