28The lateral hypothalamus (LH) regulates eating and motivation, and includes several 29 anatomical subregions. This study explored localization of function across different LH 30 subregions in controlling food intake stimulated by optogenetic channelrhodopsin excitation, and 31 in supporting laser self-stimulation. We particularly compared the tuberal LH, the posterior LH, 32 and the lateral preoptic area. Local diameters of tissue optogenetically stimulated within LH 33 were assessed by measuring laser-induced Fos plumes and Jun plumes via 34 immunofluorescence surrounding optic fiber tips, and were used to map localization of function 35 for effects elicited by LH optogenetic stimulation. Optogenetic stimulation of the tuberal 36 subsection of the LH behaviorally produced the most robust food intake initially, but produced 37 only mild laser self-stimulation in the same rats. However, after repeated exposures to 38 optogenetic stimulation, tuberal LH behavioral profiles shifted toward more self-stimulation and 39 less food intake. By contrast, stimulation of the lateral preoptic area produced relatively little 40 food intake or self-stimulation, either initially or after extended stimulation experience. 41 Stimulation in the posterior LH subregion supported moderate self-stimulation, but not food 42 intake here, and at higher laser intensity shifted valence to evoke escape behaviors. We 43 conclude that the tuberal LH subregion may best mediate increases in food intake stimulated by 44 optogenetic excitation. However, incentive motivational effects of tuberal LH stimulation may 45 shift toward self-stimulation behavior after repeated stimulation. By contrast, the lateral preoptic 46 area and posterior LH do not as readily elicit either eating behavior or laser self-stimulation, and 47 may be more prone to higher-intensity aversive effects. 48 3 49 65 16). These lesion data paint a strong necessity role for the LH in intake, while neighboring 66 regions and fibers passing through the LH control a broader range of reward, disgust, and 67 motivation-related functions. 68 Other electrical stimulation experiments demonstrated that LH activation elicits eating, 69 drinking and other natural motivated behaviors (17). Additionally, rats were typically willing to 70 self-stimulate or work to activate the same LH electrodes, implicating the LH in both hunger and 71 reward (17-21). However, for most LH stimulation effects, there was not clear localization of 72 function within the LH (17). Conceivably, stimulation of fibers of passage by an LH electrode 73 may also play a role in behavioral effects, which could possibly obscure localization of function 93 subregions, without stimulating fibers of passage, was assessed both for laser self-stimulation 94 and for stimulation-bound increases in eating. We also mapped potential localization of function. 95 In order to identify how large a subregion of LH was activated by ChR2 stimulation, which is 96 information required to assign localization of function, we measured immunof...