Abstract. We extend the kinetic shell model of the cyclotron resonant interaction between coronal hole protons and outward propagating ion cyclotron waves presented in the first paper of this series . That work showed that the resonant dissipation of outward propagating waves produced proton distributions that were unstable to the generation of inward propagating waves. Here we include the kinetic shell interaction with the inward waves, assuming that both the wave generation and wave dissipation proceed much faster than all other processes in the collisionless coronal hole. In this case, the entire proton distribution will be resonant with one set of waves or the other and is thus composed of constant-energy shells in both the sunward and antisunward regions of velocity space. The evolution of the distribution as the plasma flows away from the Sun is then described by following the motion of these shells under the action of the nonresonant forces in the coronal hole. We find that the distribution consists of a core population which circulates through velocity space and a halo which continually expands to higher energy. The halo population is shown to be essential to obtain acceleration of the bulk proton plasma through its response to the mirror force. We present an illustrative calculation of this system which assumes the waves to be dispersionless. We find for this case that the halo particles soon reach extremely high energies, leading to a continuous, rather than declining, acceleration of the plasma. We suggest that these properties are due to the dispersionless assumption and that an improved model incorporating wave dispersion may give more reasonable quantitative results.