Integrated management of manufacturing plant's production and on-site energy supply systems has shown potential economic, environmental and resource efficiency advantages for the industry. However, existing approaches are solely based on pure mathematical models with a high degree of abstraction with limited applicability, which becomes impractical for industrial applications. In this paper a simulation methodology for production parameters selection and on-site energy supply management is presented. In this case, state-based models and operational strategies of manufacturing processes and on-site energy supply options are integrated to represent interdependency between production processes, technical building services and on-site energy supply system. As a result, the proposed methodology covers manufacturing system complexity without compromising the required accuracy. This is applied to a batch based manufacturing plant and the impact of particular production parameters on energy demand profile is evaluated. The results indicate the impact of production parameters on energy supply system. In addition, the proposed approach enables manufacturers to evaluate the implications of potential production approaches in order to select appropriate operational strategies for on-site energy supply systems.