DOI: 10.1002/gea.21711
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An integrated geoarchaeological methodology to reveal site formation processes linked to building practices and pyrotechnology at Middle Neolithic Imvrou Pigadi, Greece

Abstract: The Middle Neolithic tell of Imvrou Pigadi (~6920–6570 cal. years before present) belongs to a cluster of sites at the southern edge of the Plain of Thessaly, Greece. Following a specifically tailored geoarchaeological methodology comprising micromorphology coupled with Fourier‐transformed infrared spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction, X‐ray fluorescence, and particle size analyses, we were able to reveal site formation processes linked with the construction of floors/occupational surfaces and successfully clarify … Show more

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Cited by 5 publications
(2 citation statements)
References 57 publications
(150 reference statements)
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“…The ongoing collaborative survey of the basins of Sykourio and Elateia in northeastern Thessaly (Reingruber et al forthcoming) and the intensive exploration of the area around the modern village of Prodromos in western Thessaly by the LTNS project (Krahtopoulou et al forthcoming b) are expected to start filling in this tangible gap in our regional knowledge. Moreover, the research agendas of several recent and ongoing projects (for example LTNS, Koutroulou Magoula Archaeology and Archaeological Ethnography Project and Platia Magoula Zarkou: Cultural Change during the Sixth Millennium BChttps://www.orea.oeaw.ac.at/en/research/prehistoric-phenomena/platia-magoula-zarkou-in-thessalygreece/) have incorporated geoarchaeological, palaeoenvironmental and bioarchaeological studies that are already shedding new light on Neolithic landscapes, environments and lifeways (Hamilakis et al 2017;Koromila et al 2018;Roussos and Kyparissi-Apostolika 2018;Krahtopoulou et al forthcoming b).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The ongoing collaborative survey of the basins of Sykourio and Elateia in northeastern Thessaly (Reingruber et al forthcoming) and the intensive exploration of the area around the modern village of Prodromos in western Thessaly by the LTNS project (Krahtopoulou et al forthcoming b) are expected to start filling in this tangible gap in our regional knowledge. Moreover, the research agendas of several recent and ongoing projects (for example LTNS, Koutroulou Magoula Archaeology and Archaeological Ethnography Project and Platia Magoula Zarkou: Cultural Change during the Sixth Millennium BChttps://www.orea.oeaw.ac.at/en/research/prehistoric-phenomena/platia-magoula-zarkou-in-thessalygreece/) have incorporated geoarchaeological, palaeoenvironmental and bioarchaeological studies that are already shedding new light on Neolithic landscapes, environments and lifeways (Hamilakis et al 2017;Koromila et al 2018;Roussos and Kyparissi-Apostolika 2018;Krahtopoulou et al forthcoming b).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The preservation of the structures ranged from very good to heavily eroded, while the entire assemblage reflects a major investment of time and labour and a high degree of structural uniformity and sophistication. The kilns were studied both macroscopically and through several geoarchaeological approaches, in order to investigate their construction and use (Germain-Vallée, Prévost-Dermarkar, Lespez 2011;Mentzer 2014;Mallol, Mentzer, Miller 2017;Roussos, Kyparissi-Apostolika 2019).…”
Section: The Clay-based Structures Their Typology and Pyrotechnologic...mentioning
confidence: 99%