As of today, the views of European consumers and policy makers on GM foods are still divided.While only few GM labelled foods ('does contain') have entered the market, GM-free labelling ('does not contain') is increasingly introduced in many EU member states. This study aims to examine whether GM-free labelling affects consumers' sensory profiling, emotional conceptualizations and overall liking. Based on a within-subjects experimental design, 126 Belgian subjects evaluated GM-free and nonlabelled samples of three food products: yogurt, traditional biscuit ('speculoos') and crisps. The results show that overall liking did not differ significantly according to label (no vs. GM-free), regardless of participants' knowledge of, or attitude towards GMOs. Furthermore, regarding the impact of GM-free labelling on consumers' subjective taste perceptions and emotional profiling, few significant differences were reported for crisps and traditional biscuit.Regarding the latter, less positive and more negative emotional terms have been assigned to the GM-free labelled sample. The findings of this study should be viewed in the context of the stringent EU mandatory GM food labelling policy, which led to an increase of GM-free rather than GM labels. Future research is needed to further underpin these findings and examine differently framed labels in various settings.