In this paper, an aggregate system level modeling and analysis framework is proposed to facilitate the integration and design of advanced life support systems (ALSS). As in process design, the goal is to choose values for the degrees of freedom that achieve the best overall ALSS behavior without violating any system constraints. At the most fundamental level, this effort will identify the constraints and degrees of freedom associated with each subsystem and provide estimates of the system behavior and interactions involved in ALSS. This work is intended to be a starting point for developing insights into ALSS from a systems engineering point of view. At this level, simple aggregate static input/output mapping subsystem models from existing data and the NASA ALS BVAD document are used to debug the model and demonstrate feasibility. Table 1. Entity and component list Entity Components Carbon dioxide Carbon Dioxide Edible Food Dry edible mass (DEM), Water Human Waste Dry solid waste (DSW), Water, Brine Non-edible Stuff Dry non-edible mass (DNEM), Water Oxygen Oxygen Raw Food DEM, DNEM, Water Waste DSW, Water, Brine Water Water Meal DEM, Water completely based on a mission scenario without leaving out any degrees of freedom. This also requires technologies to be specified in order to be able to complete the study.