The Rio do Peixe rift basin developed during the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) and comprises the Sousa, Uiraúna-Brejo das Freiras, Pombal and Vertentes basins. In these basins, there is an abundant ichnofauna mainly composed of theropod, sauropod and ornithopod dinosaur trackways that represent the palaeontological heritage of the region. As the majority of the fossiliferous areas are located in the Sousa basin, an inventory and assessment of the scientific, educational and touristic values, together with the vulnerability of 25 palaeontological sites, is here presented and discussed. The aims of the study are to guide the strategies of geoheritage protection in the Sousa basin and to evaluate the scientific potential of the area as a geopark. In general, the geosites of the Sousa basin have low scientific and touristic values, moderate educational value and high vulnerability. The fossiliferous areas are suffering from strong natural and anthropic threats and are at high risk of degradation. For these reasons, based on the quality of the palaeontological sites, the region currently has little potential to become a geopark.