The issues of the education quality monitoring at the Siberian State University of Science and Technology are considered, using data on the absolute and qualitative achievements of students of technical and economic specialties, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey of students and teachers for the period 2012-2016. Methods of pedagogical diagnostics and testing, pedagogical observation, conversation, questionnaire, statistical processing of experimental work results and analysis were used. In the process of questioning were involved 644 students of the Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Department, 627 students of the Economics Department and 329 teachers. Based on the results of the student questionnaire survey the degree of students' satisfaction with the quality of teaching was revealed and the assessment of teachers by the students on the average score was carried out. The dynamics of the degree of students' satisfaction with the use of technical means by the teachers in training for three years is analyzed. It is found that with comparable absolute and qualitative academic achievements of students of technical and economic departments, representatives of economic specialties estimate the average score of the teacher lower than representatives of technical specialties. The use of active forms of training by the teacher is estimated by students of economic specialties also lower than by students of technical specialties. Teachers of the technical department evaluate the students higher, because they consider them not as an object of evaluation, but as full partners in joint activity.